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Mari L'Esperance

Thanks for these gorgeous (especially the koyo) images of autumn in Kamakura, my mother's hometown... Natsukashii!


Kamakura is the evergreen destination, every time it is new. Good to see you posting more regularly.


Beautiful work as always, your blog remains one of my favorites from anywhere in the world. It's nice to actually see the purple murasaki berries - quite a strong color they have - as I've been reading Murasaki lately... so now I'll remember what they look like, and be more amused by her jokes about purple kimonos.

A. O.

This is great! I've always wanted to go to Japan! I keep up with your blog all the time.


All of these photos make me want to travel so bad! I love trying new food. Thanks for exposing me a little bit to Japan.


Beautiful photos !!! I'm very happy after find your blog.

Gloria Flynn

Happy New Year!
Love your photos, as usual. I couldn't help noticing in one of your photos (#10 as you progress down the page), there are beautiful energy orbs hovering about in the picture! How exciting to have captured them in photos! The energy of Kamakura is so special that I'm not surprised to see them there.


I loved taking this tour with you! Beauty in so many forms. Thanks for sharing your unique perspective on such a special place.

medieval clothes

Great shots you have here.. :) It makes me wanna come to that place too. Are those berries edible? Seems like its really delicious. NomNOmNOm

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